
Compulsive over eating.

Does anyone else deal with this?
I guess lots of people have compulsive traits over specific things.
Could be keeping a car clean or washing hands over and over whatever.
I have times where I see something yummy and I eat it even if I'm not hungry.
Case in point the other day I went to dinner with a friend and after dinner as I was driving home I got to thinking about how good donuts sounded so I stopped and picked up some donuts and ate all 6 on the way home.
Got home did some work in my shop while munching on a jumbo snickers candy bar.
I know I shouldn't eat like that but its so hard to resist the urge to have food in my mouth.
This has been going on for 4 months or so and I have put on weight because of it.
I really didn't want to gain any more weight because I had gotten back up to where I felt comfy and thought my body looked ok.Not too fat just a little past chubby.
How do you guys deal with the compulsive cravings?
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

I have had these spells before just not as bad as it is this time.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Any advice or how you deal with is good and I appreciate your comments I really do.
I don't know anyone personally that deals with this.
My Dr just isn't much help to be honest she just gives me grief when I gain.
I'm not as big as I used to be so she hasn't been super harsh.
I feel so out of control right now and thought I would ask here if anyone deals with this kind of thing.
Thank you soo much for your responses.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Thanks sweetie smiley
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Yeah I know best not worry about why and just deal with it the best you can.
I'm always going to be fat anyway so gaining weight here and there is just the way its going to be.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

All comments are welcome.
Thanks for chiming in.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Could even be the fact that subconsciously you don't like having idle hands. You need to keep them busy doing something. I've found that happens to me from time to time too, I don't like having idle hands. And sadly, it has led to me gaining a bit too it was not my intention, nor do I want to but it happens. And the idle hands thing is the only reason I can fathom why it happens.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Ditzy, try chewing gum when you get the cravings. I quit smoking 12 years ago cold turkey this way. It satisfies the physical habit by keeping your mouth busy.

Probably will catch hell from some folks for posting this tip here since it may contribute to weight loss, but being healthy and comfortable with yourself trumps all.
9 years

Compulsive over eating.

Thanks for all the replies I appreciate them.
My Dr suggested going to an over eaters anonymous support group.
I will go and check it out just to make my Dr happy.
Maybe it will help a little who knows.
9 years